Traffic Signal Replacement
Updated August 2022
This proposed project is located at the intersection of North 84th Street and College Park Drive. Construction may begin and/or end approximately 500 feet beyond the intersection in all four directions.
Purpose and Need
The purpose of this project is to replace the existing traffic signal at the intersection of North 84th Street and College Park Drive. The project is needed to remove infrastructure that has exceeded its expected lifespan, bring the intersection control into conformance with current traffic signal practices, and to meet current City of Lincoln guidelines and specifications. Pedestrian and trail crossings would also be improved to meet current guidelines.
Scope of Work
The planned improvements would consist of replacing traffic signal poles and related signal infrastructure at the intersection. Curb ramps and adjacent incidental pavement and sidewalk would be reconstructed to meet current standards. Grading may be required for the entire length of this project depending on the extent of the curb ramp and incidental sidewalk/trail replacement. Further ground disturbance would occur for the installation of the signal poles, signal cabinet pad, pull boxes, and conduits.
- Project Area
Phase 1 & 2 Trail Detour
Phase 3 Trail Detour
- Existing 84th Street Bike Trail
The proposed projects would require the acquisition of additional property rights, which could include new right-of-way (ROW), control of access (CA), permanent easements (PE), and/or temporary easements (TE). If your property is impacted by this project, you will be contacted by a representative once the design footprint has been established. Access to adjacent properties would be maintained during construction but may be limited at times due to phasing requirements.
Construction Schedule
Construction could begin as early as spring 2024 with completion anticipated by fall 2024.
Accommodation of Traffic
This project would be constructed under traffic with lane closures controlled by appropriate traffic control devices and practices. Traffic detours will not be necessary to install the traffic signals.
Potential Impacts
The 84th Street Trail would be detoured during reconstruction of the associated curb ramps. The detour route would involve crossing North 84th Street at Vine Street or “O” Street for different phases. Pedestrian access to and from Southeast Community College to North 84th Street will be maintained through construction phasing. See the map, above, for the proposed 84th Street Trail detour routes.
Estimated Costs
The estimated cost of the 84th & College Park Traffic Signal project is $760,600. Funding would derive from federal and local funding sources.