70th and “A” Street

Traffic Signal Replacement and Turn Lane Construction

Updated July 28, 2020

Scope of Work

This project includes construction of a northbound right-turn lane and replacement of traffic signals at the 70th and “A” Street intersection. Additional work includes storm sewer and sidewalk replacement on the southeast side, and reconstruction of curb ramps on the southwest and northwest corners to comply with the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.

Access During Construction

Periodic lane closures will be needed from all directions at various times. Northbound 70th Street will have lane restrictions for the the majority of turn lane construction.

  • Project Area


Construction began March 16, 2020, and the project is anticipated to be complete in September 2020.

Project Contacts

  • Jess Sundeen, Construction Project Manager

    City of Lincoln, LTU Project Delivery
    Phone: 402-416-5341
    Email: jsundeen@lincoln.ne.gov

  • JD Adam, Project Contractor

    Bauer Underground
    Phone: 402-477-0792
    Email: jd@bauerunderground.com