Earthwork and construction activity disturbs soil and creates blowing dust and sediment. Runoff from construction site activity often flows into streets, gutters, inlets, then through drainage ways into area waterways.
If a site is poorly managed, sediment and waste runoff from construction sites can be deposited on adjacent property, drainage ways, and stormwater holding basins. In many cases it is extremely expensive to remove these sediment deposits. Experience has shown that it is much more cost effective to install and maintain adequate erosion and sediment control measures that it is to remove sediment from off site areas. Erosion and sediment control is also required by City ordinances.
These regulations shall apply to all construction activity within the corporate limits of the City of Lincoln and the land outside of the corporate limits designated as Tier I in the Lincoln City/Lancaster County Comprehensive Plan (Lincoln Municipal Code, Section 28.01.20).
Prior to land disturbance greater than one acre associated with any construction activity, approval must be obtained by both the State Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) and City of Lincoln.
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Prior to beginning construction activity, authorization through an INOI permit is required for erosion and sediment control of individual lots (mostly residential) that are part of a larger common plan of development (subdivision).
Chapter 9 - Erosion and Sediment Control Procedures
Section 11 - Erosion and Sediment Control
NDEE Permit NER210000 (PDF, 453KB) - requirements for discharges from construction sites
Each year the City of Lincoln’s LTU Watershed Management Division provides education regarding erosion and sediment control compliance for the building community.
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