Affordable Housing Text Amendment

Updated as of August 11, 2021

In December 2020 the City Council adopted the Lincoln Affordable Housing Coordinated Action Plan which seeks to support the development of a housing market in Lincoln that is reflective of the diverse community of residents that makes up the city. One of the many recommendations from the plan was to “ensure policies and codes support affordable housing.” So, in taking the first step in implementing the plan, the affordable housing text amendment package, a series of text amendments to Title 27 (Zoning) of the Lincoln Municipal Code was developed.

While the focus of the Plan was to address housing needs for the city's residents earning less than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI), no one market stands in isolation. Therefore, not all concepts in this package of text amendments will target affordable housing directly, but by increasing the supply and diversity of housing options, more affordable units will be freed up as higher income families move up into new units.

This list of amendments was chosen as the starting point for implementing the recommendations within the Lincoln Affordable Housing Coordinated Action Plan but is by no means comprehensive. The changes include topics the Plan recommended addressing as well as other changes that reflect trends in approved projects and waivers. This is just the first step in the process to support more affordable housing development.


Tentative Schedule

The following schedule is tentative and subject to change based upon feedback received and/or the need to modify the proposed amendments.

  • June 15, 2021: Public Comment Period Begins 
  • Tentative - August 4, 2021: Planning Commission Public Hearing
  • Tentative - August 23, 2021: City Council Public Hearing


To submit a formal comment to the Planning Commission for their review click here

If you just have a question or suggestion that does not need to be sent to the Planning Commission you can email Stephanie Rouse at