Growing the Good Life in Lincoln
Lincoln Forward pursues a holistic approach to our city’s economic growth and development, understanding that growth and development are not ends in themselves but rather the means by which we cultivate the good life. Lincoln Forward focuses on fostering the conditions for Lincolnites to flourish and feel secure that they can provide for their families. Fundamental to this initiative are economic and workforce development and ensuring that our residents have access to enjoyable, rewarding, and financially secure careers.
Lincoln Forward works to build on our community’s strengths and grow our economic influence and impact through business expansion, retention, attraction, and support, as well as through professional development activities that offer our workforce meaningful, relevant skills training and lifelong learning opportunities. This initiative also takes a lead role in implementing the strategy recommendations of the Mayor’s Economic Recovery Task Force. The Task Force’s recommendations provide a framework by which everyone in Lincoln – residents, employers, and public and private sector leaders – can participate in our community’s economic recovery and renewal.
Economic Development
The Lincoln Partnership for Economic Development (LPED) is a public-private collaboration supported by the City of Lincoln charged with fulfilling Lincoln’s Economic Development goals. Job growth and business expansion are critical components of a vibrant and thriving community.
Buy Local City Policy: Local purchasing can leverage as much as a 1.5 times economic impact. In other words, purchasing locally adds value, because jobs, capitol, and supply purchases all stay right here in Lincoln. This can be done by implementing a micropurchasing policy, encouraging city agencies to “buy local.”
Workforce Development
The Greater Lincoln Workforce Development Board implements the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. The Mayor serves as the Chief Elected Official, leading job training and workforce development projects across the region.
Recovery and Renewal
The Mayor’s Economic Recovery Task Force was established in response to the Coronavirus Pandemic. The mission of the Task Force was to develop data-driven, locally informed strategies for supporting local businesses and employment as the local economy begins to recover from COVID-19, while fostering public health, inclusion, and resilience in Lincoln. The City of Lincoln works to implement the strategies and recommendations in the report.