LFR Recognized for Heart Attack and Stroke Care for Ninth Consecutive

Published on August 01, 2023

Lincoln Fire and Rescue (LFR) today announced it has received the American Heart Association’s and American Stroke Association's 2023 Mission: Lifeline® EMS Gold with Target: Heart Attack Honor Roll Award. Mission Lifeline is a national, community-based initiative improving systems of care for patients experiencing heart attack, stroke, and cardiac arrest.

This is the eighth consecutive gold award LFR has received. LFR won its first award, the silver recognition, in 2015, which was the highest level obtainable for a first year applicant. In order for LFR to be recognized at the level of EMS Gold with Target: Heart Attack Honor Roll, they must consistently reach an aggressive goal of treating patients to core standard levels developed by the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association. Agencies that receive the Mission: Lifeline® Gold Award have consistently demonstrated compliance for each required achievement measure for a minimum of two consecutive years.

“Lincoln Fire and Rescue is committed to quality patient care. The use of evidence-based protocols, and collaboration with our medical director and Lincoln hospitals allows LFR to give our patients the absolute best possible outcome when suffering a stroke, heart attack, or cardiac arrest,” said Battalion Chief Jamie Pospisil. “I am proud of our dedicated EMS professionals who strive to maintain a high level of advanced training. Their commitment to serve our citizens ensures we meet the standards necessary to achieve this recognition for our community."  

Pospisil added that in 2022, LFR maintained the Lifeline® EMS Gold recognition because Lincoln’s EMS professionals recognized patients experiencing typical and atypical symptoms associated with a heart attack, stroke, and cardiac arrest.

“This quick recognition resulted in early treatment, early hospital notification, and rapid transport to the appropriate emergency department that provides a continuity of care," Pospisil said.

For more information on the AHA’s Mission: Lifeline®, visit heart.org/missionlifeline and heart.org/quality. More information on LFR is available at fire.lincoln.ne.gov.

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