City Urges Proper Disposal of Used Personal Protective Equipment

Published on April 22, 2020

City of Lincoln
Mayor's Office

2020 Media Releases

Media Contact:
Donna Garden, LTU Assistant Director, 402-441-8605
Willa DiCostanzo, Waste Diversion Coordinator, 402-441-7043

Latex gloves and wipes are not recyclable

The City of Lincoln reminds residents that latex gloves, disinfectant wipes and other personal protective equipment (PPE) are not recyclable and must be discarded with household waste. Leaving non-recyclable materials at the recyclable collection sites is illegal. Visit for complete listings of acceptable materials.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, single use PPE such as gowns, disinfectant wipes, aprons, masks, respirators, goggles and face shields should be placed in a plastic bag and thrown out with household waste. Reusable PPE such as heavy-duty boots and gloves are also not recyclable.

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19 to trash and recycling collection workers, the City urges residents to place all household waste in plastic bags before putting garbage in their trash cans and bins. Plastic grocery bags are acceptable for containing trash.

For more information on waste diversion, visit


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