
Apply for a Permit

Step 1.Review the requirements

Only the owner of the residence can apply for the permit. 

You must presently reside in the single-family dwelling or reside there after the construction is complete. 

The house cannot be in the process of being prepared for sale, not a rental property, or for intended use for becoming a rental property. 

All code requirements for mechanical permits are available at Chapter 25.06 LINCOLN MECHANICAL CODE 

Step 2.Application Process

This application will take about 25 minutes to complete your application.

You will need to create an account at Citizen Access as a homeowner. 

Are you needing the legal address? Use the County Assessor's Site

You can also check with your inspector to verify the requirements of the code.  Please use our Inspector Area Map to locate the inspector assigned to your area.

Step 3.Make your payment

You can pay online through Citizen Access.

You’re able to use a Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover.   

All permits will have a minimum $35 fee. Each service will be an additional fee in addition to the $35 minimum. 

The $35 charge will cover a certified inspector to come out to inspect the work that has been completed. Additional Trips are $35.

Step 4.Schedule an inspection

The permit issued must be inspected before any work is covered. Must be inspected when the installation of the work is completed.

You can schedule an inspection through Citizen Access or calling the 24 -hour inspection line at 402-441-5999.  For instructions on how to access the inspector information can be found on the inspection page.

Please have your permit number, date for inspections, and access instruction if necessary. 

Common Questions

Step 1.What don’t I need a permit for?

  • Portable appliances
  • Portable humidifiers
  • Portable dehumidifiers
  • Replacement of equipment parts
  • Evaporator coil replacements

Step 2.Where can I find a copy of the International Mechanical Codes?

 You can find it here.

Step 3.How do I calculate combustion air?

  • Combustion air required for fuel burning appliances using the air inside the building for the combustion process (this includes 1 pipe indirect vent 90% efficient furnaces and 1 pipe power vent water heaters).
  • Add the total number of BTUs of all appliances using inside combustion air and multiply by .05 (or simply cut total BTUs in half and drop a 0).
    • Example: 80,000 BTU furnace and 40,000 BTU water heater= 120,000 BTU. Half is 60,000, drop zero leaves 6000 cubic feet of area needed to provide the proper amount of combustion air for these appliances.
  • Combustion air cannot be taken from bedrooms or bathrooms. Areas needed that are separated by doors must have louvers in them or grills in the wall to let air pass freely