University Place Neighborhood Street Improvements

This project improved several streets in the University Place Neighborhood through a mill and overlay of the existing surface and base repairs where required. Additional work included upgrades to the existing sidewalk ramps to comply with federal and local standards.

The following streets were included:

  • North 46th Street from Huntington Avenue to Adams Street
  • North 47th Street from Adams Street to Judson Street
  • Cleveland Avenue from North 46th Street to North 48th Street
  • Judson Street from North 44th Street to North 48th Street
  • Madison Avenue from North 44th Street to North 48th Street
  • Knox Street from North 44th Street to North 48th Street

Related info: North 48th Street Improvement Project

Project Location



Frequently Asked Questions

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When and how was notice given to small businesses in the area that construction was going to take place?

  • During design, the City and its consultant partner attended the EPCO neighborhood association meeting via zoom on May 10, 2022
  • During design, the City and its consultant partner hosted a table at Streets Alive on September 25, 2022.
  • A pre-construction open house was held Thursday April 6, 2023 at First United Methodist Church. About 35 people attended, but the community was invited via postcards to area residents and a media release.
  • A postcard was mailed to 274 area businesses and residents along the corridor the week of March 21, 2023 to inform of project information and the upcoming open house
  • Door hangers were distributed to houses and businesses adjacent to the project prior to street closures
  • Digital message boards were placed a week prior to street closures to help notify area residents, businesses and the traveling public
  • A project update postcard was mailed to area residents and businesses during construction.

Which businesses were given notice? (i.e., businesses directly on 48th Street, businesses surrounding the construction, businesses outside the construction but within a block of the direct construction.)

Nearly 300 addresses surrounding the area that included residents and businesses along the corridor were notified.

How has the city continued to communicate with businesses throughout the construction and as updates occur?

The City’s Economic Development Specialist has contacted approximately 45 businesses along the corridor to discuss the project.

The construction project manager and Senior construction engineer are available to answer questions as they arise.

Public Open House

A public open house was held regarding planned improvements on North 48th Street and in the University Place Neighborhood.

Thursday, April 6, 2023 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. First United Methodist Church, 2723 North 50th Street

Meeting Materials  Project Fact Sheet(PDF, 1MB) Project Design Map(PDF, 17MB) Displays(PDF, 2MB) Comment Form(PDF, 317KB) Watch: What is a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon?

Project Contact

  • James Puls, City Construction Manager
    City of Lincoln, LTU Project Delivery

  • Marc Rosso, Construction Engineer
    City of Lincoln, LTU Project Delivery