Winter Operations - Parking Bans and Ordinances

Parking Bans

When large amounts of snow need to be cleared from the streets, parking bans may be used to assist in ensuring emergency vehicles can respond appropriately. All emergency declarations and parking bans remain in effect until terminated by the City. Three types of parking bans may be declared:

Snow Emergency Parking Ban

Parking may be banned on both sides of emergency snow routes, arterial streets, school and bus routes. These routes must remain open for emergency vehicles. Along non-arterial streets, bus routes are marked with signs.

See Map

Snow Removal Districts
Parking Ban

Parking is banned on both sides of the street, including metered stalls, in areas designated as snow removal districts. In these areas, the snow is plowed into windrows, loaded into trucks and hauled out of the area. Typically, snow removal occurs between midnight and 8 a.m. The districts include streets in the following areas: Downtown, University Place, Havelock, Bethany, College View, 11th and “G”, 17th and Washington, 25th and Sumner.

During snow removal district parking bans, free downtown parking will be available from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. at Center Park Garage, 1100 “N” St. Residents will be charged for any time beyond the nine hours at the posted garage rate. If the vehicle remains in the facility past 10 a.m., the customer will be charged for the entire time the vehicle was in the facility.

See Map

Parking Ban

A residential parking ban applies to streets that are not emergency snow routes, arterials, school or bus routes, or included in a snow removal district. If residential parking bans are required, parking will be banned on only one side of the street, and the sides will not switch as they have in previous years. During residential bans, parking on even-numbered sides of the street will be banned in even-numbered years like 2024. Parking on odd-numbered sides of the street will be banned in odd-numbered years like 2025.

See Example Photo (JPG, 205KB)

Winter Operations Routes

Parking Bans

Snow Emergency


Vehicles parked illegally during Snow Emergency, Snow Removal Districts or Residential parking bans are subject to fines, towing and storage costs at the owners’ expense. Vehicles parked in a way that do not allow emergency vehicles to pass may be ticketed for obstructing a public street. For information on towed vehicles, call the Emergency Communications Center, 402-441-6000.


City ordinance requires property owners to clear snow and ice from sidewalks by 9 a.m. the day following the end of the snowstorm. Sidewalks must be kept clear of snow and ice during the day. The entire width of the walk must be cleared, along with any adjoining wheelchair ramps or curb cuts. Residents are urged to report unshoveled sidewalks via UPLNK.

Notice is given to property owners after the City receives a complaint about an unshoveled sidewalk. City ordinance requires written notice to be left on the front door or other conspicuous place on the property. If an unresolved problem is reported again, the City may hire a snow removal contractor, and the owner is responsible for the charges. It is illegal to push or blow snow into or on any street, alley or sidewalk. Violators are subject to a fine.

Snow windrows in front of driveways is an unintended consequence resulting from snow being cleared from the center of the street into the gutter. To assist in avoiding this situation, LTU recommends removing snow up to 10 feet to the left of a driveway to create room along the curb for plowed snow.

Property owners are encouraged to clear snow around fire hydrants and shovel a path to the street. This can make a significant difference in the time it takes for Lincoln Fire and Rescue to respond to a fire.

Property Damage in Right of Ways

The areas between the paved streets and sidewalks are owned by the City and referred to as the “Right of Way.” Property owners are allowed to place objects in this area, such as mailboxes, sprinkler systems, landscaping and driveways. Property owners are responsible for maintenance, replacement or any damages to the objects on this City property caused by, but not limited to snow removal, street sweeping or other City activities. For more information, contact the City Law Department at 402-441-7281.