Lincoln Safe Routes to School

The streets near schools, as well as those along the primary walking routes to and from any school, are critical public infrastructure where safety of children and other users of the facility is paramount. Lincoln Transportation and Utilities (LTU) announced school zone safety enhancement recommendations will take effect beginning in August 2020. The multi-year implementation project will improve the safety and function of school zones and walking routes for students and pedestrians at all public and private schools in Lincoln and enhance traffic consistency for drivers citywide. There are more than 80 schools in Lincoln.

Results from the Lincoln School Zone Study initiated in November 2018, showed a variety of ways to evaluate and improve safety and traffic flow in school zones, and meet national standards and best practices. The study assessed street design, traffic control devices and traffic-calming measures to increase the safety of all users. From this study and through additional public feedback, recommendations were made that will be applied to all elementary, middle and high schools in Lincoln.

School Zone Implementation Projects

Saratoga Elementary School Zone Improvements


Latest PSA

  • YouTube video School Zone Improvements (:31)

More PSAs

  • YouTube video Primary Walking Routes for Schools (:30)
  • YouTube video 20 MPH School Zones Project (:29)
  • YouTube video School Zone Study and Signs (:33)
  • YouTube video Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) (:38)

Project Presentation

  • YouTube video (13:53)