
About the Sculpture

Discover stands 10 feet tall in the eastern portion of Union Plaza between ‘P’ and ‘Q’ Streets. The sculpture is by Nebraska artist Shannon Hansen, and is constructed of a steel framework with a brushed stainless steel skin. When walking around it, one specific vantage point will reveal the Nebraska State Capitol Building through a rectangular opening in the figure. 

Made possible with a donation from Tom and Sue Tallman.


Rotating around the steel sculpture, Discover.

Looking through fall grasses, the metal form discover stands

A shot of Discover with the Capital building in the keyhole

About the Artist 

Shannon Hansen was exposed to art in his youth by watching her father draw cartoon characters and cowboys. He received a formal education, including a Bachelor of Technology Degree, and Associate Degrees in Industrial Welding and Nondestructive Testing. "I understand the properties of metal. I developed the technical skills and craft but it wasn’t until a few years later that I began exploring what it meant to make sculpture." 

Helping a friend make a sculpture for his yard led him to seeing sculpture as more than just welding shapes together. The 'Tour de Lincoln' project provided his first commission and he has been making ever since. "I continue making sculpture because the more I explore the more possibilities I find. It’s a process that has no end. It’s a challenge and adventure."

Additional Information

Length: 2 ft.

Width: 5 ft. 

Height: 10 ft. 


265 N 22nd St, Lincoln 68503  View Map

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