Housing Support

The Department of Urban Development (UDD) provides a spectrum of housing support for low- to moderate-income households:

Lead Safe Lincoln Grant Program

Dear City of Lincoln Property Owner:

We are happy to announce a Lead Hazard Control Grant Program is now available to property owners in the City of Lincoln!  Children exposed to lead could have irreversible adverse health effects.  This program eliminates and stabilizes lead-based paint hazards and other lead related hazards for single-family and multi-family residences.  This includes both interior and exterior lead-paint hazards. 

Assistance is provided to qualified homeowners and landlords in the form of a grant. 

The following eligibility requirements apply:
  • Property must have been built before 1978.
  • Identifiable lead hazards must be present (we will do the testing).
  • Owner-Occupied properties must have a child that is the age of 5 years or younger living in or visiting the home for at least 6 hours per week.
  • Owner-Occupied households must meet income guidelines of 80% of area median income (AMI) (See enclosed brochure).
  • Rental Unit applications must be submitted by the property owner; however, the income of the tenants must meet the income eligibility guidelines, not the landlord.  At least 50% of the units must be less than 50% AMI and remaining units must be less than 80% AMI.  If the property has greater than 5 units, then 20% of the total number of units may exceed 80% AMI with the remaining units meeting the previously stated requirements.
  • Owner must be current on property taxes and mortgage payments.
  • Property must not have deteriorated beyond economic repair as determined by the Lead Hazard Control Program Manager.
  • The program is for all of the City of Lincoln, however, properties located in the target area of the Lead Hazard Control Grant Program will be given priority (see brochures below). 

After receiving your application and finding that you meet the eligibility requirements, we will schedule an initial home visit with you to do a lead-based paint risk assessment on the home.  If lead hazards are found, we will develop a project plan to address the lead hazards.  This could include, for example, new windows and doors, paint, siding, gutters and soil remediation. 

If we can help you make your property safer by eliminating lead hazards, please call us today at 402-441-7808 to see if you qualify!     

LANDLORD/TENANT Application(PDF, 533KB)       OWNER-OCCUPANTS Application(PDF, 577KB)

Map Directions (see below):

This program is available city wide.
We place priority on projects within different areas, and if there are elevated blood levels within children under the age of six
Property that is in a historic review area may require more time


2024 Income Limits(PDF, 221KB)


Lead Safe Lincoln: Housing Registry:
Last Updated July 1st, 2024

Completed Addresses Units
614 N 26TH ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68503 1
2901 SUMNER ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68502 2
1435 B ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68502 1
1990 HARWOOD ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68502 1
914 S 14TH ST, 68508 1
1017 S 6TH ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68508 1
3084 VINE ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68503 1
208 S 38TH ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68510 1
2909 N 56TH ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68504 1
2200 N 61ST ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68505 1
420 F ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68508 1
1400 N 26TH ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68503 1
2901 M ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68510 1
720 N 34TH ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68503 1
1111 S 22ND ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68502 1
1809 G ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68508 1
938 N 25TH ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68503 1
642 S 48TH ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68510 1
2537 S ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68503 1
2026 A ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68502 1
1812 G ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68508 1
625 B ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68502 1
215 N 32ND ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68503 1
1124 PLUM ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68502 1
621 S 30TH ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68510 1
3855 ORCHARD ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68503 1
1426 E ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68508 4
2324 T ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68503 2
334 S 24TH ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68510 1
1216 S 7TH ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68502 1
3715 RANDOLPH ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68510 1
640 W C ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68522 1
6245 KEARNEY AVE, LINCOLN, NE, 68507 1
635 B ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68502 1
3145 STARR ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68503 1
1320 N 41ST ST, LINCOLN, NE, 68503 1
4415 HOLDREGE ST, 68503 4


Ash Tree Removal and Replanting Program

The purpose of the Ash Tree Removal and Replanting Program is to remove and replace any Ash tree(s) free of charge for homeowners who income qualify. 

Dear Grant Applicant: 

The Ash Tree Removal and Replanting Program requires submission of the following documents along with your completed and signed application:

Ash Tree Grant Application(PDF, 4MB) (English)

Ash Tree Grant Application(PDF, 4MB) (Spanish)

Ash Tree Grant Application(PDF, 3MB) (Arabic)

Ash Tree Grant Application(PDF, 4MB) (Vietnamese)

1.      Copy of your most recent Federal Income Tax Return, not just a W-2 form. It must be a copy of the IRS forms, IRS schedules, and IRS attachments (if you are required to file taxes). 

2.      If you do not file taxes, a copy of the most recent documentation to verify current income source(s) i.e., paystubs, Social Security Income Letter, Pension Statement, copies of bank statements, etc. 

3.      Financial Institution or Bank Statement of your current mortgage loan. 

4.       Each adult (19 years or older) in the household must complete and sign an Attestation form. A parent or guardian must complete and sign the bottom portion of one of the forms for children under the age 19. 

5.      The removal of Ash trees that have not been deemed dead, dying, or structurally weak will be avoided during the April 1-July 31 time frame, which covers both the migratory bird nesting season and the Northern Long-Eared Bat’s maternity roost season. 

It is important you send the requested information with your application to avoid delays in processing your grant application. 

If you have any questions regarding completion of your application, please call (402) 441-8209 or email lroberts@lincoln.ne.gov.

2024 Annual Income Limits(PDF, 221KB)  for the Program.


 Tree Program Policies and Procedures(PDF, 407KB)

before and after


Before & After Photos


Home Rehabilitation

Federally funded Housing Rehabilitation programs provide 0% interest loans that help low- and moderate-income homeowners rehabilitate their homes.  For more details on the programs and the process review the policies and procedures document(PDF, 225KB). To apply for any of the Urban Development home repair loans, please print out and complete the loan application.(PDF, 266KB) To speed up your application process, please include all requested materials with your pre-application. If you have further questions, please call 402-441-7864, email urbandev@lincoln.ne.gov, or stop by 555 S.10th Street, Suite 205.


Emergency Repair Loan Program
  • For emergency repair, such as replacing furnaces, water heaters, dangerous wiring, etc.
  • For homeowners within the city limits -- see interactive map
  • Homeowner must live on the property
  • All members of the homeowner's household must be U.S. citizens or qualified aliens
  • 0% interest deferred payment loans
  • Income cannot exceed 50% of Lincoln median income(PDF, 221KB)

      Electrical Panel - Scorched, before repairElectrical Panel - new, after repair

Direct/Deferred Loan Program

  • Property can have 1-4 living units but the homeowner must live on the property
  •  For homeowners within the city limits -- see interactive map
  • All members of the homeowner's household must be U.S. citizens or qualified aliens
  • Annual income cannot exceed 80% of Lincoln median income(PDF, 221KB)
  • For eligible repairs and improvements —see the policies and procedures document(PDF, 225KB)
  • Direct loans have a 0% interest rate and a minimum monthly payment of $50
  • Deferred loans also have a 0% interest rate, but your monthly payments are deferred for two years

House before rehabilitation - in need of repairHome after repairs & improvements

Heat Pump Incentives

Homeowners who income qualify may receive a $3,000 grant for the purchase and installation of a heat pump. To apply for this City of Lincoln funded program, please print out and complete the loan application.(PDF, 266KB)

For general information about heat pumps and this incentive program, visit lincoln.ne.gov/HeatPump.

Note that income qualifying homeowners will receive $3,000, paid directly to the contractor, and are not limited to the $1,800 grant referenced on the Heat Pump Incentive website.

Home Ownership

Programs funded by the Urban Development Department and administered through NeighborWorks®Lincoln help moderate-income people become successful first-time homeowners.
First Time Home Buyer Program
  • Applicant must not have owned a home in the past 3 years
    (There are some exceptions — contact NeighborWorks®Lincoln for details)
  • Applicant must live on the property being purchased
  • Property must be within the city limits
  • Household annual income cannot exceed 80% of the median income(PDF, 99KB)
  • Applicant must attend and complete Homebuyer Training offered by NeighborWorks®Lincoln (see below) 

Happy new homeowners who used First HomeHappy new homeowners

     Home Buyer Training

  • Provided through NeighborWorks®Lincoln and taught by experienced staff
  • Free to prospective first-time homebuyers who meet program requirements
  • Offered 12 times per year, with 15 to 20 households participating each time
  • Each two-week course includes 4 three-hour sessions, for a total of 12 classroom hours
  • Topics include:
    • Analyzing and managing finances, budget, and credit
    • Evaluating homes and affordability
    • Working with Realtors and neighborhood leaders
    • Understanding financial paperwork, closing costs, and money needed for purchasing a home
    • Learning the rights and responsibilities of homeownership


Affordable New Housing 

UDD contributes surplus City property for building sites on which local nonprofit groups build new affordable housing. Those nonprofits include: Habitat for Humanity, the Affordable Housing InitiativeNeighborWorks®Lincoln, and the Lincoln Housing Authority.

Government Resources for Homebuyers

As homebuyers move closer to homeownership, they will work with realtors and lenders, many of whom will be aware of the various government programs available to help homebuyers. Even so, as a homebuyer, you will be better prepared if you research these government resources yourself. This list of websites is not comprehensive, but it can get you started:


   Additional Resources




To assist persons experiencing homeless or those at immediate risk, the City of Lincoln Urban Development Department partners with the Lincoln Homeless Coalition. The Homeless Coalition is a member organization comprised of agencies that serve persons experiencing homelessness or those at risk, including State, County, and City governments, nonprofits, neighborhood associations, public housing authorities, local business partners, foundations, community members, the Lincoln Youth Action Board and other representatives with lived experience.

The main objective of the Urban Development Department and the Lincoln Homeless Coalition is to unite the efforts of shelter, outreach, homelessness prevention, housing assistance and supportive services in order to best serve the most vulnerable in our community.

Under the umbrella of the Lincoln Homeless Coalition is the Lincoln Continuum of Care. Each year, the Lincoln Continuum of Care facilitates and completes an annual application for funding from the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development. Other duties of the Lincoln Continuum of Care include but are not limited to:

1. An annual point in time count, which surveys the number of sheltered and unsheltered experiencing homelessness during a single night within the last 10 days of January

2. On-going system response planning and implementation

3. Coordination and Implementation of the All Doors Lead Home Coordinated Entry System


The Lincoln Homeless Coalition meetings are currently held via Zoom at 9:00 am to 10:30 am on the 4th Friday of each month. For more information, please send inquiries to lincolnhomelesscoalition@gmail.com.

The subcommittee of the Lincoln Continuum of Care meets via Zoom at 11:30 am to 12:30 pm on the 3rd Friday of each month. For more information, please contact the Continuum of Care Planning Manager, Jay Schalk at jschalk3@unl.edu.

For immediate housing assistance, please contact an All Doors Lead Home Coordinated Entry Public Access Point agency: https://ccfl.unl.edu/community-services-management/docs/lincoln-hours-public-door.pdf


     Provider Resources


 Lincoln Prevention Assistance Common Fund

What is the Lincoln Prevention Assistance Common Fund (LPAC)

In May of 2020, the City of Lincoln, in partnership with the Lincoln Community Foundation, the Nebraska Children and Families Foundation, and the All Doors Lead Home Coordinated Entry System managed by UNL-Center on Children, Families, and the Law established the Lincoln Prevention Assistance Common Fund, (LPAC).

LPAC is a coordinated, citywide response that provides rent, mortgage, utility, and other needed financial assistance to households in need to prevent homelessness and increase housing stability.  The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development recommends that all prevention assistance resources be included with the community coordinated entry system.

Financial assistance from multiple funding streams is pooled at the common fundholder (LCF). Applications for assistance are received across the community and channeled through the All Doors Lead Home Coordinated Entry System (UNL-CCFL) to determine eligibility and identify the most appropriate funding to meet the need.   Financial assistance is then made available to meet the household need by the common fundholder. 

  • LPAC improves the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of all financial assistance resources available in the community.   
  • LPAC identifies the eligible and most appropriate assistance from multiple available resources.
  • LPAC reduces the administrative costs associated with multiple separate funding pools across numerous locations. 
  • LPAC creates a  one-stop prevention system where households in need present their need one time at one location, and the resources to meet our brought to bear.
  • LPAC improves the equitable distribution of financial assistance.  






At-Risk Tree Removal and Replanting Program (Not Available at this time)

The purpose of the At-Risk Tree Removal and Replanting Program is to remove and replace at-risk tree(s) free of charge for homeowners who income qualify.

Dear Grant Applicant:

The At-Risk Tree Removal and Replanting Program requires submission of the following documents along with your completed and signed application(PDF, 1007KB):

  1. Copy of your most recent Federal Income Tax Return, not just a W-2 form. It  must be a copy of the IRS forms, IRS schedules, and IRS attachments (if you are required to file taxes) .
  2. If you do not file taxes, a copy of the most recent documentation to verify current income source(s) i.e., paystubs, Social Security Income Letter, Pension Statement, copies of bank statements, etc.
  3. Financial Institution or Bank Statement of your current mortgage loan.
  4. Each adult (19 years or older) in the household must complete and sign an Attestation form. A parent or guardian must complete and sign the bottom portion of one of the forms for children under the age 19.
  5. The removal of ash trees that have not been deemed at-risk will be avoided during the April 1-July 31 time frame, which covers both the migratory bird nesting season and the Northern Long-Eared Bat’s maternity roost season.

It is important you send the requested information with your application to avoid delays in processing your grant application.
If you have any questions regarding completion of your application, please call (402) 441-8209 or email lroberts@lincoln.ne.gov.

Below are the 2022 Annual Income Limits for the Pilot Program.

Income Limits
As of 06/15/2022
Size of Household Income Limit
1 $50,750
2 $58,000
3 $65,250
4 $72,500
5 $78,300
6 $84,100
7 $89,900
8 $95,700




English(PDF, 345KB),  Spanish(PDF, 350KB),  Vietnamese(PDF, 354KB) Arabic(PDF, 194KB)

(English(PDF, 3MB)) (Spanish(PDF, 117KB)) (Vietnamese(PDF, 300KB)) (Arabic(PDF, 194KB))

Policies and Procedures(PDF, 407KB) (02/2024)

  before and after

Before & After Photos