Assessment and reporting of Nebraska's surface water quality is performed by the Water Quality Division of the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE). Teams of biologists and environmental specialists measure water quality and habitat information on-site, collect water samples for laboratory analysis, and collect benthic macroinvertebrates and fish from streams and lakes throughout the state. Every two years, NDEE publishes a report documenting the status and trends of existing water quality for all waters of the state.
An impaired waterbody is a lake or stream that does not support its designated uses (e.g. recreation, aquatic life, aesthetics). These waterbodies are placed on the 303(d) list as per the Clean Water Act. Currently, there are 10 impaired lakes and streams in Lincoln: Antelope Creek, Beal Slough, Bowling Lake, Cardwell Branch, Deadman’s Run, Holmes Lake, Little Salt Creek, Oak Creek, Oak Lake, and Salt Creek (2 segments).
Impairments are typically listed by use. For example, Deadman’s Run is impaired for aquatic life due to low dissolved oxygen and pH. It is also impaired for recreation due to E. coli bacteria.