Watershed Management was required to conduct a public education survey once during the 2018-2023 NPDES Permit term. The purpose of this survey was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Public Education Program. It also provided an opportunity for the public to provide feedback and express any concerns they had regarding the quality of Lincoln’s lakes and streams.
The Public Education Program has a variety of ongoing campaigns. The Public Education Strategic Plan places emphasis on reaching a variety of audiences including school-age children, adults, homeowners, and developers, builders and contractors. The overall goal is to increase awareness of pollutants found in stormwater runoff and pollution prevention techniques.
The results of the survey will be utilized to improve the Public Education Program and provide new opportunities for public engagement.
The survey consisted of 29 questions similar to those found in other stormwater public education surveys and were relatively easy to understand (e.g. non-technical terms, etc.). The questions were divided into three sections:
Popular themes observed in answers to a qualitative question. Some answers may have contained more than one theme. Not all responses are represented.
Based on the answers to the quiz, Lincoln residents are familiar with stormwater pollution prevention concepts Average Quiz Score 84%
The most frequently missed quiz question: True/False - The runoff from washing a car with biodegradable soap is safe to go down the storm drain
36% were unable to name Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department or Lincoln Police Department as the appropriate agency to contact if they witness illegal dumping