NOI / SWPPP for Development Sites One Acre or Greater

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NDEE CSW Stormwater Portal Permit Authorization • Inspections • Termination

Prior to land disturbance greater than one acre associated with any construction activity, approval must be obtained by both the State Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) and City of Lincoln.

City of Lincoln Permit Authorization Process

To obtain both the City of Lincoln and State CSW-NOI, a permit application must first be submitted in the form of a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) in the NDEE CSW Stormwater Portal.

The application Step by Step Tutorial(PDF, 3MB) identifies the key components necessary for submission of the permit(s) required by the City and State, as well as where to find a copy of your approved permit.

When you apply for a CSW permit from NDEE, anything within the Lancaster County limits will be routed automatically to the City of Lincoln for review. If the project is within the corporate limits of the City’s Tier I limit, the City will process the application. If the project is outside City jurisdiction, it will be routed back to the State for approval.

Applicants will be required to upload the Construction Activity SWPPP. A SWPPP is a site-specific, written document that identifies potential sources of stormwater pollution at the construction site and describes practices to reduce pollutants in stormwater discharges.

Detailed information on what is required to be included in the SWPPP can be found in Section 28.01.060 of the Lincoln Municipal Code (LMC) and the Flood and Water Quality Protection Manual. The EPA has created an example SWPPP Template(DOCX, 325KB) that can be used by qualified individuals to submit for a CSW-NOI.

Upon approval from the City, the information will be routed automatically to the State for review. Upon State approval, a joint City of Lincoln/State of Nebraska letter of authorization is emailed to the applicant.

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City of Lincoln Permit SWPPP Inspection Process

The City of Lincoln requires all SWPPP inspection reports to be submitted electronically through the NDEE CSW Stormwater Portal.

The SWPPP Inspection Step by Step Tutorial(PDF, 6MB) identifies the key components necessary for submission of an Inspection report and walks a user through the process.

If you are unable to upload your inspection reports, please contact us immediately at with specific issues you have encountered.

City staff will review SWPPP inspection reports online along with conducting periodic onsite compliance inspections to verify the accuracy of the inspection reports.

If you have been notified there are missing reports for your project and would like to verify which reports/dates are missing, you can search here. Searches can be conducted by: Permit Number; Project Name; Inspection Date or Date Range; Username (DEQ Created by); Company (including Certifying Official (CO1), Authorized Representative (AR), Designer, Inspector; and/or Project Address).

Upon completion, a copy of your SWPPP inspection report is emailed to the inspector and recipient (optional, only if you choose to do so). The inspection report will automatically be stored under the CSW permit Overview page on the SWPPP Portal. City and State staff have access to all submitted reports and may view the reports for accuracy and compliance.

Failure to provide accurate SWPPP reports electronically may result in enforcement action from the City, along with a $75 reinspection fee. Failure to pay a reinspection fee is also cause for additional enforcement action(s).

A list of frequently asked questions and an inspection report template with a description of requirements are available below:

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Local Permit Termination Process

Once the construction is complete in accordance with the design standard, the permittee shall submit a Notice of Termination.

The user account who obtained the authorization for a project on the NDEE CSW Stormwater Portal must be the one to request the termination. Log in and select the project you wish to terminate from the home screen.

From the “Project Application Overview” screen, select the Submit for Notice of Termination. The COL CSW Notice of Termination information should appear. Expand the small triangle next to the Final Stabilization Requirements to see additional information on the requirements you need to meet.

If you meet the requirements and your project has passed final inspection, confirm your information to see the COL CSW Notice of Termination (CSW-NOT).

The request is routed to the State and City for review. If the request is denied, an email notification along with a letter stating the corrective action needed is sent to the applicant. If the request is approved, an email notification along with a letter confirming the project is closed is sent to the applicant.

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INOI / Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Individual Lots