Memorial Day Observance Program 2023


The Lincoln Memorial Day Observance Association invites you to honor and remember those who have sacrificed to serve our country. 

Music, flags, Color Guards and acknowledgement of Veterans are common to all the programs.

Please bring your lawn chair.  

Click to download Memorial Day Events Brochure(PDF, 280KB)

2023 Programs

Antelope Park - Veterans Memorial Garden

Inclement Weather: Move to Auld Pavilion

7:30 PM

Music & Sound   Chris Myers, Lincoln Parks & Recreation

8:00 PM

Ringing of the Liberty Bell   Shawn Quinn, Lincoln Parks & Recreation

Posting The Colors    American Legion Post 3

National Anthem   Anima Christi Singers

Pledge of Allegiance   Ricki Barber, Veterans Memorial Garden Advisory Council, Events Committee Chair

Invocation   Tom Barber, People’s City Mission

Welcome & Introductions   Bennie Shobe, Lincoln City Council

History of Memorial Day   Diane Bartels, Veterans Memorial Garden Advisory Council, Events Committee, LMDOA

Acknowledgement of Veterans   Brendan Moore, LMDOA Co-Chair Veterans Memorial Garden Advisory Council, Facilities Committee Chair

Explanation of Acquiring Names   Joyce Peck, LMDOA

Candlelight Service   Erica Kutter, Treasurer, Blue Star Mothers Nebraska Chapter 2

Reading of Names 2022 -2023   Diane Bartels, Brendan Moore, Lisa Compton, Joyce Peck, Merle Thompson, Kwame White. Honorary Ed Hoffman & Merle Rudebusch

Additional Song   “America”, Anima Christi Singers

Taps   Parker Averill & Kevin Murray

Retiring The Colors   American Legion Post 3

Benediction   Tom Barber, People’s City Mission

Closing   Ricki Barber, Veterans Memorial Garden Advisory Council, Events Committee Chair

Other Memorial Day Observance Events

8:30 AM: Wyuka Cemetery & Funeral Home

Wyuka Cemetery & Funeral Home

8:30 AM

Wreath Casting Honoring Those Lost at Sea -  Arlene Rudebusch, NE DUVCW, PDP

Wreath Furnished by Wyuka

Parade begins at Historic Stables and Bridge -  Kwame White, Parade Chair

Procession to the G.A.R. Circle -  Lincoln Fire & Rescue Pipe & Drum LMDOA Organizations

Color Honor Guard -  Lincoln Fire & Rescue & Lincoln Police Department

National Anthem -  Whitley Ensz & Chauncey Loutsch

Pledge of Allegiance -  Merle Thompson, LMDOA

Invocation -  Gary Fuller, Gentle Shepherd and Lincoln Lancaster Chaplaincy Corps

9:00 AM

Greetings & Introductions -  Greg Osborn, LMDOA Co-Chair

Welcome -  Bob Fitzsimmons, Wyuka Board of Trustee

Acknowledgement of Veterans -  Brendan Moore, LMDOA Co-Chair

General John A. Logan’s General Order #11 -  Eric Brackenberg, Commander Shiloh Camp, SUVCW

Guest Speaker -  Col (Retired) Kenneth J. Brownell (Joe), United States Air Force

Decorating of the G.A.R. Circle -  Girl Scout Troop # 20205 & Boy Scout Troop # 456

Recognition of Memorials & Laying of the Wreaths -  Kwame White, LMDOA & Brendan Moore, LMDOA

Reading & Ringing of the Bell -  Lincoln Fire & Rescue Honor Guard

Rifle Volley -  VFW - American Legion – SVR/SUVCW

Taps -  Parker Averill & Kevin Murray

Benediction -  Gary Fuller, Gentle Shepherd and Lincoln Lancaster Chaplaincy Corp

Special Presentation -  Boy Scout Troop #456

Retire Colors -  Lincoln Fire & Rescue & Lincoln Police Department

Dismissal -  Greg Osborn, LMDOA Co-Chair

11:30 AM: Lincoln Memorial Park Funeral Home

Lincoln Memorial Park & Funeral Home 

11:30 AM

American Legion Riders Color Guard -  American Legion, VFW & SVR/SUVCW

National Anthem -  Whitley Ensz & Chauncey Loutsch

Pledge of Allegiance -  Merle Thompson, LMDOA

Invocation -  Julie Pulec, Lincoln Lancaster Chaplaincy Corps

Wreath Casting Honoring Those Lost at Sea - Arlene Rudebusch, NE DUVCW, PDP

Wreath Furnished by Lincoln Memorial

11:45 AM

Greetings & Introductions -  Brendan Moore, LMDOA Co-Chair

Welcome -  Ed Hall, Retired Navy, Lincoln Memorial Park & Funeral Home

Acknowledgement of Veterans -  Brendan Moore, LMDOA Co-Chair

Placing of the Wreath & Battlefield Cross -  Kwame White, LMDOA & Gailen Young, Vietnam Veterans Of America 727

Reading & Ringing of the Bell -  Lincoln Fire & Rescue

General John A. Logan’s General Order #11 -  Eric Brackenberg, Commander Shiloh Camp, SUVCW

Guest Speaker -  Col (Retired) Kenneth J. Brownell (Joe), United States Air Force

Reading and Folding of the Flag -  David Backhus (Reader), Lincoln Fire & Rescue, Boy Scout Troop # 456 (Folding)

Flag Presentation to Arlene Rudebusch

Rifle Volley - VFW - American Legion – SVR/SUVCW

Taps - Parker Averill & Kevin Murray

Benediction - Robin Calcara, Lincoln Lancaster Chaplaincy Corps

Retire Colors - American Legion, VFW & SVR/SUVCW

Dismissal -  Brendan Moore, LMDOA Co-Chair





  • Monday, May 29, 2023 | 08:00 PM


Veterans Memorial Garden in Antelope Park, 3200 Veterans Memorial Drive, Lincoln, 68502, View Map

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